Tabby Cats

The most common mistake about tabby cats is that they are a breed of cat. They are not!!! Tabby cats are just domestic cats with distinctive patterns on their coats. They also usually have distinctive m patterns on their foreheads . The tabby cats distinctive patterns are thought to have come from their direct ancestors, the wildcats. The African Wildcats use their patterns as an affective form of camouflage. Like their ancestors the tabby cats also use their patterns as camouflage whether its hunting or hiding their patterns really come in handy . 

People believe many different things about the Tabby's distinctive M shape . Some believe the “M” is for Mau, the word for “cat” in ancient Egypt. Others think the “M” stands for Mohamed, who loved tabbies. Still others believe it is the blessing of the Virgin Mary.


Spotted tabby 

A basic 
spotted tabby has spots all over its body and the distinctive m shape on its forehead. 

Ticked/stripeless tabby

Ticked/stripeless tabbys produce agouti hairs . Agouti hairs are hairs with particular colour giving the cat a speckled or sandy look.

Classic/blotched/marbled tabby

Classic/blotched/marbled tabbys have swirling patterns along their sides . Some people say the patterns sometimes look very similar to a bulls eye.

Mackerel tabby

This is my cat,Jingles he is a silver mackerel tabby. Mackerel tabbys usually have thin lines running from their eyes across the side of their heads just under their ears. They also have lines running down the sides of their back. 

Tabby cats are very intelligent they learn very quickly to get along with humans ,hunt for their food and look after themselves. Tabby cats can also be loving and affectionate pets. 

Sometimes tabby's can get very moody and other times they are very shy . The tabby's environment and how it is brought up can affect its personality and behaviour.



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